Lost Pet
Losing a pet is a traumatic experience! The best way to find your pet would be to visit your local shelter(s), post on the Petco Love Lost link, and post on social media. Be sure to have a photo of your pet handy to share with everyone you speak to. Once you do find your pet, make sure to microchip your pet ASAP for a faster reunion in the future. If your pet is microchipped, double check to make sure your updated information is attached to their microchip.
Step 1- Have you walked around the area your pet has gone lost in? Going door to door helps just in case someone took them in
Step 2- Utilize online apps and social media platforms to post your pet
–Petco Love Lost
–The NextDoor app
–The Ring App
–Post photos on local lost & found pet pages on Facebook. Some to consider are RGVHS Reunite & Rehome, Harlingen Lost & Found Pets, Harlingen/San Benito Lost & Found-Pets, RGV Pets, and RGV Reunite Lost Pets. There are dozens more! Post a brief description of where your pet was lost, city, pet description, and a clear photo.
–Print lost pet flyers and put them up in the area your pet went missing
Step 3- We recommend that you come to the shelter in person any day from 11am-6pm or check our website to look for your pet. Our page is updated live with all of the animals in our care. Please Note: It may say adopt, but every stray animal that comes into our care is given a 72 stray hold to ensure that owners have a chance to claim their pet. If you see your pet, please head to the shelter ASAP! If your pet comes in and has a microchip we can contact you right away as long as your information is up to date.
–Current government issued photo identification with your name and address
–Pictures of your pet
*You can also check with other shelters in the RGV. You never know if your pet was picked up in a different city.